
Monday, March 18, 2019

Create, Create, Create!

Happy Monday everyone! Thank you for checking out my first post! I received so many wonderful comments, please keep reaching out if you have any ideas or input. Of course, thank you very much for being here now. Let's get into it!  

I am an actor. I like to create things, different characters, use my voice and self to create meaningful works. I like to write, draw, cook, bake, and garden too. I also consume a lot of content. Some days I consume way too much content. More than I create and it makes me feel very overwhelmed. So here is some advice to start the week with, for me as well as to anyone else this could resonate with…. Instead of watching that next Netflix episode or going down a youtube rabbit hole or listening to the next episode of that podcast, turn the noise off, sit by yourself, or get into nature and write, work on a scene, or a monologue, or draw or sing, or dance even. 

I just realized the other day that I am rarely ever sitting completely by myself in silence with just myself. I am always listening to something in the background or watching something and to me, the excuse is I am utilizing my time better when actually I am confusing my brain by trying to do multiple things at once. And I end up not really getting something done or "fake" getting something done because I wasn’t actually present. My advice is to turn off all of the noise including your own brain's inner monologue if you can, (meditating or stream of consciousness writing).

Create something and be fully present while you’re doing it. Maybe by the end, you’ll hate the product you created by hey! You made something! And THAT is a wonderful use of time. Arguably the best use of time. At the end of the day, we are here for such a short amount of time. Day after day you don’t want to overstimulate yourself with all of the things that we could be consuming, because it’s a heck of a lot. It all ends up repeating itself anyways. The other day I watched a “what I eat in a day” video. Of course, that opened up a rabbit hole of countless food videos coming up on the sidebar.  I took a step back and asked myself - was I really going to change what I was eating to match someone else’s food plan? Probably not. Maybe if something is really unique and I wanted to try it. But I would probably end up bookmarking it and then forgetting about it. What I am trying to say is one less “what I eat in a day” video is not going to kill you it might end up making you feel a lot better. And you might get something done by utilizing that extra time and creating something that you are really proud of. We have such easy access to so many things.  Just turn it all off for an hour and be with yourself, see what you’re avoiding. 

I’m writing about this today because we are artists. What we do is create, but in a world where content is at every corner, you can sort of lose yourself a bit. Pick the things that inspire you, that you 
want to support, that inspire you to create. Tune out the things that overwhelm you.
 Make something today, make something this week! It's Monday, a blank page in a notebook. 
Start a new project today, share it or keep it to yourself, but I am always open to being shared art with :)
 Have a wonderful week!


Speaking of creating... if you are a singer/performer and need any sort of instrumental piano track for an audition, cover, rehearsal preparation, PianoTrax is so helpful! If you have any last minute self-tapes and not enough time
 to find an accompanist, or just want to brush up on material this is a wonderful website and app. 
Click the link here to check out if you need...


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