
Monday, April 1, 2019

Tying Up Loose Ends

Hello hello! It is the first day of a new month! Happy Monday and a very happy first day of April. How much more of a clean slate can you get in the middle of the year?

It feels like a new beginning of a sort and who doesn’t love the first blank page right when you open a new notebook? That is what today is. 
For good reason too! Maybe it’s time to start a new chapter in our life book or hell even write a new book. It’s time to turn the page of the first quarter of the year, turn the page on March and head into April. Or personally what I am looking forward to most, welcoming SPRING and the SUN. Possibilities are endless. To celebrate its time to dust the cobwebs off of our winter caves and hibernating selves. 

Yep. Decluttering and spring cleaning. 

I LOVE doing this because the physical act and actual visual of donating things, taking things out to make room for new is exciting. Instead of looking at it as a mundane chore, think of it like you are making room for new things, new opportunities, new energy, that Spring energy ;) 

So today I am decluttering my physical space, my digital space (sounds silly but we utilize this platform too and sometimes it needs a good clean up) and my mental space. 

For my physical space, this one is pretty self-explanatory but I am going to put all of my belongings in categories and go through all of them and donate what I don’t need or want any longer. For digital space I am going to go through my email, the apps on my phone, social media, my photos, the notes on my phone, google drive and my computer to give it all a good clean. 

As for mental decluttering, this is the one that I feel could really benefit us the most. Get to a place of center and quiet and reflect on the past couple of months, the beginning of the year. What worked? What didn’t? What did you learn about yourself? How can you better set yourself up for success for this next month? What types of things do you want to bring in to your life these next few months? What’s exciting to you that you want to make sure you do more of? 

Then make a huge brain dump of all of the things on your to-do list. Sit with it as long as you have to but it will be so much better and you won’t feel like you’re forgetting to do something because you wrote it all down. From there, prioritize to what is urgent and important to not as urgent and important. 

From there revisit or write down all of your goals. See how you can include everything you need to get done on your to-do list as well as the work you need to do to accomplish your goals. How can you start making these into actionable goals and then get it done? Make deadlines for yourself and put all of those as well as any other important dates down for the next month.  

So what do you say? Care to join? Let’s set ourselves up for success by doing everything in our control to make joy and positivity. Even if that just means giving our spaces a good clean. Take the week to tie up all of your loose ends, catch up and make room for all of the new opportunities coming your way! Let’s make this month and the next quarter of our year better than the first. 

What part of your world if you took care of it or cleaned out would make you feel SO good? Work on that this week! I’d love to hear from you and thank you for supporting and for reading. Xox


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